A frequent bus service runs between the Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane. Route information in Chinese and Portuguese is posted at every bus stop detailing destinations, itineraries and stops.
The bus fare is MOP6.00 and passengers should prepare adequate coins for the fare as no change is given on the buses, all of which are air-conditioned. Routes go to and from different spots in the Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane including Macau International Airport. Some buses even traverse narrow streets and alleys in Macao.
Like everywhere else, it is best to avoid travelling during peak hours. It is also recommended that you bring a map in order to better locate your destination.
For route information, please visit: www.dsat.gov.mo/dsat/subpage.aspx?a_id=1610598965, or contact the following transportation (bus) companies:
TRANSMAC - Transportes Urbanos de Macau, S.A.R.L.
Enquiries: +853 2827 1122
Website: www.transmac.com.mo
TCM - Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau, S.A.
Enquiries: +853 2885 0060
Website: www.tcm.com.mo
Macau Pass
Macau Pass is an electronic payment system using IC card technology installed on all public transport in Macao. Passengers need not use coins, and can also use the pass to make purchases at convenience stores, some bakeries, and vending machines.
Website: www.macaupass.com

The Macau Light Rail System is the first rail transit project in Macao, consisting of Taipa Line, Seac Pai Van Line, Hengqin Line and East Line (under construction). It is to provide residents and travelers with convenient, environmentally friendly, reliable, comfortable and barrier-free public transportation.
For details of routes, fares and timetables, please visit the website of Macao Light Rapid Transit Corporation, Limited: www.mlm.com.mo/en/index.html
Macao Light Rapid Transit Corporation, Limited
Tel: +853 2881 3721, +853 2881 3722, +853 2881 3730
Hotline: +853 8506 6171
E-mail: info@mlm.com.mo
Website: www.mlm.com.mo
The taxi in Macao is in black with a cream roof. The flag-fall charge is MOP21.00 for the first 1600 metres, with MOP2.00 added for every 220 metres thereafter. MOP2.00 is charged for waiting every 55 seconds at the passenger’s request. There is a MOP3.00 surcharge for each item of luggage carried in the boot. For radio taxi service, please call +853 2828 3283.
There is a MOP8.00 surcharge for boarding a taxi at the taxi station of Macau International Airport, Taipa Ferry Terminal, Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port, the Zhuhai-Macao Artificial Island of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Taking a taxi from Macao to Coloane or boarding at the campus of the University of Macau on Hengqin Island, there is a surcharge of MOP5.00. From Taipa to Coloane, a MOP2.00 surcharge applies, while there is no surcharge from Macao to Taipa or from the islands to Macao.
In addition, there is also a special radio taxi service, which the vehicle is either in blue or red in colour. For special radio taxi service, please call: +853 288 12345, visit macaotaxi.com/en, download mobile app "Macao Taxi" or scan the QR code of the taxi. Like normal taxi, the fare of the special radio taxi is charged according to the taximeter, please go to macaotaxi.com/en to check the fare details or contact Macau Radio Taxi Services Limited at +853 8893 9999.
If you prefer to drive yourself with a map and guide, you can hire a car and travel around Macao at your own pace. To obtain permission to drive in Macao, please consult the Traffic Department of the Public Security Police Force at Tel: +853 2837 4214 / +853 8898 9593, email: psp-info@fsm.gov.mo or website: https://www.gov.mo/en/services/ps-1488/
For companies of Self-Drive Rent-a-Car, please visit: https://www.dst.gov.mo/en/public-services/licensed-entities.html?comType=18
The pedicab - or tricycle rickshaw - is a uniquely leisurely, romantic and airy form of transport which visitors can hire to tour the captivating waterfront of Nam Van Lake and Sai Van Lake as well as the older historic streets of downtown Macao. Hired at the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal or near Hotel Lisboa, it is recommended that you confirm the price with the rider prior to embarking upon your adventure.