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17 観光スポット



Hei Lam Mun

Our noodles are still young after 60 years Hei Lam Mun has been selling raw noodles on Rua de Cinco de Outubro since 1958. Its name on the signboard i...


JOC SQUARE(ジョック・スクエア)

JOC SQUAREは、2016年にマカオのタイパ・ヴィレッジにオープンしたオリジナルワークショップです。すべての製品は、独自のデザインコンセプトを精緻に具現化したものです。ショップのオリジナルブランド「Batata(バタタ)」は、2020年のドイツデザイン賞を受賞し、欧米で数々の賞を獲得しています...


Old Cherykoff Macau

Cherykoff Nougat is a Macao specialty food which is said to be originated from Russia. Old Cherykoff Macau is a shop which has been making nougats in...


Pan Fong

Sharing gourmet pastries with gourmet lovers around the world Established in 1936, Pan Fong Bakery has been in the pastry-making business for over 80...


Si Heung

Flavour of Macao at its fullest Rua do Infante of Macao hides an inconspicuous small shop. Even though the surrounding shops have already been refurbi...